Ok, its that time of the year again to pick the top 10 Biggest Weirdo PUA's...
Here is my list
1. Ross Jeffries
2. Brad P
3. Mr. M
4. Mystery
5. Fader
6. Swinggcat
7. Dahunter
8. Mr. M (have to nominate him twice)
9. Adonis or Nick Quick as he is called now
10. Matador
Ok lets get some general voting going!..
Dude, Matador and Mystery are not wierdos. I would not classify them under wierdo category. Probably Mystery under lousy advice category but definitely not wierdo
I would put Adonis (the homo) under gay category. He should be teaching guys how to get guys instead.
Brad P is not really a wierdo, dude. He is eccentric.
That is congruent with Mystery's personality and occupation (magician). Matador doesn't really wear anything funny.
1. Erika Awakening (cum whore)
2. Mehow (virgin)
3. Tyler (fucks transexuals)
4. Gunwitch (serial killer)
5. Mystery (stupid clothes)
6. Payton Kayne (loud, gobby fucker)
7. Gambler (poncey, floppy hair)
8. Papa (bald and ugly)
9. Jlaix (never trust anyone who's eyes are that close together)
10. Hypnotica (serious facial hair problem)
Johnny soporno - serious quackery bullshit fruitcake crap talking motherfucker. A very very big fat charlatan in the industry. "i enjoy all my playmates that i have sex with" - HAHAHAHAHA, yeh right buddy
Gambler - One of the biggest charlatans in the industry. Pouty, poncy, pansy motherfucker. A business man , thats all he is.